We understand that things may feel different to your previous dental visits, and that you may be concerned, so please find some information on how your next visit will look and feel.

If you have any of the symptoms of COVID-19 (Coronavirus), please let us know as soon as possible. Please do not attend your appointment and follow the government guidelines about self-isolation.

Before Your Appointment

The practice will contact you before your appointment by telephone.  During this conversation a medical history form will be completed. You will be asked relevant questions about COVID -19 including symptoms and possible exposure to the virus.

You will be informed of key information about your planned appointment- including who you will be seeing, what treatment you will be having, the cost of the treatment and what to do when you arrive.

On the Day of Your Appointment

Before you leave for the practice please ensure you have been to the toilet and have brushed your teeth. Please only bring necessary items with you

When you arrive please wait in your car or outside of the practice and call the practice  to let our team know you have arrived. To minimize risk, please ensure you attend your appointment alone unless you require assistance or are supporting a child or someone vulnerable.

We are also encouraging card payments.

Entering the Practice

When it is time for your appointment, one of our team will call you or collect you.

On entering the practice one of the team will take your temperature to ensure you do not have a fever and invite you in if your temperature is below 37.3°C.

Unfortunately, if you are above 37.3°C, we will have to rearrange your appointment for the safety of all those in the practice.

Once within the practice you will be asked to sanitise your hands. We will request payment before your appointment(if appropriate), ideally by card to enable you to have a swift departure once your treatment has been completed.

Our receptionist will be behind a protective plastic screen, but this is for the safety of everyone.

We would ask our patients to follow social distancing guidelines  at all times

At this stage, you will escorted to the appropriate treatment room.


Upon entering the treatment room our teams will be wearing extra Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) in order to provide you with the safest care.

Each room as always will have  been carefully cleaned and disinfected after each patient.

At this stage you will be asked to carefully swill your mouth with a hydrogen peroxide mouthwash for 1 minute.

After the Appointment

Once your treatment is complete, please collect your belonging. Before you leave you will be asked to hand sanitise one last time, before we say goodbye.

If you have any questions after the appointment, or need further appointments , we will be able to call you. Our aim is to minimize your time in the practice, for your own safety

Our main priority when we reopen is to provide our patients with the same high standard of dental care that you have been used to. Every step has been taken  to ensure the safety of our patients and team. If you have any questions regarding our service , please do not hesitate to contact us.